Indianapolis City-County Building
7,472 items found
Aerial view of downtown Indianapolis in the snow
Aerial view of downtown Indianapolis, circa 1973
Aerial view of construction in downtown Indianapolis, Img. 1
Aerial view of construction in downtown Indianapolis, Img. 2
Aerial view of downtown Indianapolis, Img. 1
Aerial view of downtown Indianapolis, Img. 2
Aerial view of downtown Indianapolis, Img. 3
Lugar in press conference at city hall, Img. 1
Lugar in press conference at city hall, Img. 2
Lugar in press conference at city hall, Img. 3
Lugar in press conference at city hall, Img. 4
Proclamations, Img. 1
Proclamations, Img. 2
Proclamations, Img. 3
Proclamations, Img. 4
Proclamations, Img. 5
Proclamations, Img. 6
Proclamations, Img. 7
Proclamations, Img. 8
Proclamations, Img. 9