Indianapolis City-County Council
2,136 items found
Draft Councilman Invitation Letter for IACT
Photo Caption for Mayor Hudnut Listens Intently as Stan Strader...
Mayor Hudnut to Members of the City-County Council, April 30, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to S. Hugh Dillin, September 28, 1977
Mayor Hudnut to S. Hugh Dillin, September 26, 1977
Photo Caption for At a VIP Reception for the 1988 Peace Games...
Mayor Hudnut to Robert N. Kennedy, June 29, 1977
A Proposal For A Special Resolution Concerning Public School Matters - City-County Special Resolution No. 30, 1973
Gordon G. Gilmer to Michael J. Quinn, December 12, 1975
David R. Frick to Richard Clark
Mayor Hudnut to Steve West, July 31, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to Rozelle Boyd, July 29, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to Beurt R. SerVaas, July 29, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to Donald W. Miller, July 31, 1980
Indianapolis - Marion County, Indiana; City County Council; Proposal No. 316, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to Donald W. Miller, July 25, 1980
To Mayor Hudnut, July 14, 1980
Explanation Of Ordinance - Multi Service Centers
Fred L. Armstrong to City-County Councillors, August 28, 1989 (Marked)
Fred L. Armstrong to City-County Councillors, August 25, 1989 (Unmarked)