283 items found
Children in Daycare Center, Img. 6
Children in Daycare Center, Img. 7
Children in Daycare Center, Img. 8
Children in Daycare Center, Img. 9
Unidentified Elementary School Classroom, Img. 7
Unidentified Elementary School Classroom, Img. 8
Lugar for Senate: The Man and the Issues
Mayor Lugar to Audra Bailey, June 12, 1974
Audra B. to Mayor Lugar, May 28, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Mrs. Jack L. Steep, February 12, 1974
Wanda Stapp to Mayor Lugar, February 1, 1974
Lugar Position Paper, Busing, 1974
New Directions for Urban America
Statement by Dr. Ralph D. Abernathy to the Republican National Convention
Statement of Rev. Ralph David Abernathy on Goals of Poor People's Campaign
Statement of Roy Innis to the Subcommittee on Equal Opportunity in an Urban Society of the Resolutions Committee
Statement of Roy Wilkins, Chairman of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Before the Equal Opportunity in an Urban Society Subcommittee of the Republican Platform Committee for a National Trade Policy
Henry Richardson to John Burkhart, May 20, 1971
Richard G. Lugar to Ronald F. Bryant, May 7, 1971