3,827 items found
City of Indianapolis YWCA Certificate
City of Indianapolis Woodruff Place Civic League Certificate
City of Indianapolis CCI/ Crooked Creek Multi-Service Center Certificate
Mayor Presents Neighborhood Improvement Grant
Mayor Goldsmith Greetings Letter, 1998 National Conference of Free Will Baptists, U.S.A.
Neighborfest Day, October 10, 1998
Neighborfest Day, October 10, 1998_Proclamation Draft
Proclamation "CCI Day," September 21, 1999
Charles Corbin to William Stephan. August 6, 1999
Valery D. De Long to Mitzi Hurst
Community Centers of Indianapolis, An Overview
Community Centers of Indianapolis 1998 Annual Report
Proclamation "Weed and Seed Day"
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges the Outstanding Services of Robert M. Jones
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges The Outstanding Service of James Jeter
Stephen Goldsmith to James Jeter, April 18, 1995
Loretta Day to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, April 11, 1995
Proclamation "Cottage Home Day"
Mike Pierson to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, July 1, 1996
Cottage Home Neighborhood