3,827 items found
Westside Community Development Corporation, Neighborhood Concerns, February 18, 1993
Sherry Kohlmeyer to Nancy Silvers, February 18, 1993
WCDC Annual Meeting, Near Westside Deliverables
Revitalization Day Planned for Westside Housing Community
Mayor Goldsmith to City-County Councillors, January 19, 1996
Role of Public Health to Change to Help Build Healthier Neighborhoods
Mayor Joins Opening of East District Sub-station to Discuss Neighborhood Initiatives
Near North Area Revitalization Effort, November 15, 1994
Goldsmith Announces New Housing in Ransom Place
Downtown Lowdown, May/June 1992
Rebecca L. Hopewell to Dollyne Pettingill, May 1, 1992
Commission for Downtown Neighborhood Forum Proposal
Mayor Goldsmith to Friend, July 16, 1992
Mayor Announces Grant for Strategic Action Plan for City Parks
City to Present Comprehensive Social Service Reform
Major New Gang Initiatives of Metro Gang Task Force Announced
IPD "Street Strength"
Hometowne Revitalization Announcement
Home Towne Site Proposed Site
Professional Profile, Kevin G. O'Keefe