3,827 items found
City of Indianapolis Central Indiana Crisis Pregnancy Center Certificate
City to Sponsor Youth Conference for Public Housing
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, September 17, 1993
Park Rangers Will Enhance Safety at 125 City Parks
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, October 4, 1993
Goldsmith Announces Start-Up of Renovation Construction to Blackburn Terrace and Hawthorne Place
Project Summary, Blackburn Terrace & Hawthorne Place
Invitation List
Cub Foods Breaks Ground in the Meadows
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, October 27, 1993
HUD Officials Applaud Indianapolis's Removal from the Troubled PHA List
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, July 6, 1994
Goldsmith Announces Youth Education and Employment Initiative
Goldsmith Announces Distribution of $1.6 Million for Neighborhood Revitalization
Revitalization Day Planned for Westside Housing Community
For Immediate Release, City of Indianapolis, July 22, 1992
City to Present Compehensive Social Service Reform
19 Neighborhood Revitalization Projects, May 17, 1996
19 Neighborhood Revitalization Projects (List)
State of the Neighborhoods, March 15, 1995