3,827 items found
Goal and Objectives - Neighborhoods Committee Regional Center Plan II
Mayor Hudnut to Philip Tom, February 6, 1987
Neighborhood Economic Development Task Force
Mayor Hudnut to Dennis J. West, February 6, 1987
Margo A. Lyon to Mayor Hudnut, John L. Krauss, H.D. Higbee, et al., February 26, 1987
Primary Health Care Week
Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership Board of Directors Meeting
Chris Linn to INHP Board of Directors, September 16, 1991
Project Finance Committee Report on Action, August 28, 1991
Status Report on INHP CDC Capacity Building Program
Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership Inc.
Currently Operational INHP Lending Programs to Facilitate Affordable Housing
Proposed INHP Lending Programs to Facilitate Affordable Housing
Patricia A. Hawkins to Mayor Hudnut, February 5, 1979
A Proposal: The Center for Urban Policy and the Environment
Crimewatch Programs
CrimeWatch APB
Comparison of Community Gross Income to the Number of Members Working
Rodger D. Coleman to Mayor Hudnut, May 31, 1978