3,827 items found
Mayor Hudnut Announces New Programs Resulting from Forums
Regarding Final List of Neighborhood Forum Dates
Regarding a Series of Neighborhood Forums, January 9, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to James Adams, March 13, 1985
To Encourage Continued Leadership...
Shary Hoffman-Meadows to Tom
Victorian Christmas Ball
State of the City, An Address by the Honorable William H. Hudnut, III, Given to the Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis
Margo A. Lyon to Mayor Hudnut, February 9, 1987
Thomas R. Creasser, II to Mayor Hudnut, January 15, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to J. Reid Williamson, Jr., July 16, 1986
GIPC: Neighborhood Growth and Revitalization Task Force Correspondence
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, September 26, 1979
Monger Resigns
Mayor Hudnut to Fred Madorin, August 15, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to Fred Madorin, June 11, 1985
John D. Heron to Mayor Hudnut, March 13, 1979
Mayor Hudnut to Ray Gnat, January 22, 1986
Regarding the Schedule of Neighborhood Forums, January 17, 1986
Neighborhood Meeting Locations, Verified as of January 17, 1986