1,009 items found
Leah Smith to Skip Stitt, April 27, 1996
House Bill No. 1495
Goldsmith Announces City's Support of Enterprise Zone Expansion
Mayor Goldsmith to Jean-Yves F. Dexmier, October 2, 1992_Fax
Jean-Yves F. Dexmier to Mayor Goldsmith, October 2, 1992_Original
Memorandum of Understanding Between City of Indianapolis and Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
Marvin L. Johnson to Jean-Yves F. Dexmier, November 3, 1992
Agreement between the Indianapolis Urban Enterprise Association, Inc. and Thomson Consumer Electronics
Mayor Goldsmith to Jean-Yves F. Dexmier, October 2, 1992
Proposal to Prepare a Master Development Plan for the Indianapolis Urban Enterprise Zone_Draft
Leslie R. Rubin to Robert J. Hedding, Jr., June 2, 1992
Proposed Process for the Urban Enterprise Zone Master Land Use Plan
Cost Estimates for Assisting the Division of Planning in the Preparation of the Urban Enterprise Zone Master Land Use Plan
Jean-Yves F. Dexmier to Caterina Cregor, October 2, 1992
Jean-Yves F. Dexmier to Mayor Goldsmith, October 2, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to Jean-Yves F. Dexmier, June 23, 1992
Larry Gigerich and Jay Walters to Dan Kozlowski, April 21, 1994
Senate Bill No. 00166, Introduced Version
Project Jobs City Requests
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith, April 27, 1992