Abell, Walter L.

300 items found

Gerry LaFollette Proc, February 19, 1988, Img. 3, with Mayor Hudnut, Walter Abell

GOP Picnic, October 2, 1988, Img. 4, with Mayor Hudnut, Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 10, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 6, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 7, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 8, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 9, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut and Walter Abell with Labor Advisory Board, May 26, 1988, Img. 3

Mayor Hudnut and Walter Abell with Labor Advisory Board, May 26, 1988, Img. 2

Mayor Hudnut at MLAC Picnic, August 11, 1988, Proof Sheet

Mayor Hudnut at Thank-You Reception after 1979 Election, November 20, 1979, Img. 4

Mayor Hudnut at Thank-You Reception after 1979 Election, November 20, 1979, Img. 5

Walter Abell at Pan Am Gold Medal Baseball Game, August 22, 1987, Img. 1

Mayor Hudnut at Pan Am Gold Medal Baseball Game, August 22, 1987, Proof Sheet 3, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Inn, June 4, 1987, Img. 15, with Joseph McAtee and Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Inn, June 4, 1987, Img. 13, with Joseph McAtee and Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Indians Rally, September 26, 1987, Img. 10, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Indians Rally, September 26, 1987, Img. 11, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Indians Rally, September 26, 1987, Img. 12, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Indians Rally, September 26, 1987, Img. 16, with Walter Abell