Abell, Walter L.
300 items found
Mayor Hudnut at Labor Advisory Christmas Party, December 23, 1982, Img. 13, with Walter Abell
Tom Henry with Mercedes 450-SL at Columbia Club, December 29, 1982, Img. 3, with Walter Abell
Mayor Hudnut at Indianapolis Indians Luncheon, April 16, 1984
Sandy Lacy, February 18, 1983, Img. 2, with Walter Abell, Kae Browning
Sandy Lacy, February 18, 1983, Img. 6, with Mayor Hudnut
Walter Abell Head Shot, February 1983, Img. 1
Walter Abell Head Shot, February 1983, Img. 3
Walter Abell Head Shot, February 1983, Img. 4
Walter Abell Head Shot, February 1983, Img. 5
Walter Abell Head Shot, February 1983, Img. 6
Walter Abell Head Shot, February 1983, Img. 7
Walter Abell Head Shot, February 1983, Img. 9
Mayor Hudnut with Walter Abell on Birthday, December 20, 1982
Mayor Hudnut at Mars Hill-Drexel Gardens Senior Center, January 6, 1983, Img. 21, with Walter Abell
Mayor Hudnut on Birthday, October 17, 1983, Img. 10, with Walter Abell, Bruce B. Melchert, John W. Sweezy, David R. Frick
Mayor Hudnut on Birthday, October 17, 1983, Img. 11, with Walter Abell, Bruce B. Melchert, John W. Sweezy, David R. Frick
Mayor Hudnut, Joseph A. Slash, and Walter Abell with Indians, May 9, 1983, Img. 2
MLAC, MCR, Awards, January 28, 1988, Img. 1
MLAC, MCR, Awards, January 28, 1988, Img. 12
Mayor Hudnut at MLAC Picnic, July 26, 1984, Img. 2