Downtown Development
2,520 items found
European Trip to Focus on Urban Revitalization
Frank Loy to Mayor Hudnut, January 26, 1982
Fact Sheet - The German Marshall Fund Study Tour
Provisional Program - The German Marshall Fund Study Tour
Granada Royale to Build on Claypool Site
Jan Kamplain to Mayor Hudnut, January 10, 1979
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule for Week of May 17, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Address GIPC General Membership
Mayor Hudnut to David E. Carley, March 28, 1983
HUD Award Announced For Fountain Square & Fletcher Place Program
Indianapolis Mayor William Hudnut To Lead U.S. Delegation To A Landmark European/American Forum
Indianapolis 1988-1991
Indianapolis 1984-1987
Mayor Hudnut to James A. Adams, March 22, 1984
Public Appearance Schedule for Mayor William H. Hudnut for the Week of December 12, 1988
Circle Centre Facts
Mayor Hudnut to Robert R. Baxter, August 28, 1979
Profile of Downtown Indianapolis
Downtown Indianapolis Developments: April 1986
State of the City, An Address by the Honorable William H. Hudnut, III, Given to the Rotary Club of Indianapolis