Downtown Development
2,520 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Kae Browning, March 17, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Sidney H. Weedman, March 25, 1983
Downtown Optimists, February 11, 1977
Mayor Hudnut to Jane A. Reiman, March 18, 1983
Dean H. Phillips to Mayor Hudnut, November 20, 1979
Proposal for the Establishment of a Mayor's Task Force
Christmas on the Circle, Mayor's Briefing
1983 Department of Metropolitan Development Agenda
Carolyn J. Blitz Named Executive Director Of Commission For Downtown
1988 Budget Message to the City-County Council
Indianapolis-A Contemporary Approach to Downtown Animations
Mayor Hudnut to James L. Kittle Sr. October 27, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to James W. Rouse, January 5, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Phillip R. Duke, August 23, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Fred Williams, July 21, 1983
Proposed By-Laws of Indianapolis Downtown Council Article I
Articles of Incorporation of Indianapolis Downtown Council
Canal Overlook Associates to Mayor Hudnut, July 20, 1987
Alan C. Levinson to Mayor Hudnut, April 28, 1978