Downtown Development
2,520 items found
Preliminary Circle Centre Construction Awareness Program, 1993
IDI Corporate Members, July 7, 1993
First Draft of The Vision, Mission and 1993-1995 Plans of IDI
Rebecca L. Hopewell to Action Team Members, June 25, 1993
Code of Bylaws of IDMI
IDI Six-Month Activity Report, January-June 1994
IDI Active Projects August 1994
IDI Downtown Indianapolis Facts
Tamara Zahn to Indianapolis Downtown Inc. Board of Directors, et al., August 12, 1994
IDI Activity Report July 1994
Bruce Hetrick to Dollyne Pettingill, June 21, 1994
Downtown Holiday Participants
Holiday Packaging Meeting, July 12, 1994
Action Team: Minutes, June 16, 1994
Tamara Zahn to Indianapolis Downtown Inc. Board of Directors, et al., July 15, 1994
IDI: Activity Report (June 1994)
Helen Brown to City-County Council CAM Committee, June 14, 1994
Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. Summary of 1993 Results
Beautification Project to Brighten up Gateways to Downtown
Tamara Zahn to Indianapolis Downtown Inc. Board of Directors, et al., June 3, 1994