Downtown Development
2,520 items found
Attachment A, List of Names Beginning With Lawrence M. Borst
Brad Hurt to Bob Swhier, May 5, 1992
Brad Hurt to Bob Swhier, April 15, 1992
Brad Hurt to Bob Swhier, April 1, 1992
From Mayor Goldsmith, March 18, 1994
Santina C. Sullivan to Robert D. Swhier, June 19, 1992
Brad Hurt to Larry Gigerich et al., October 10, 1995
Bank One to Create 300 Jobs, Revive Downtown Office Building
Media Advisory, April 11, 1995
Media Advisory, April 12, 1996
Mayor Breaks Ground for Phase II of The Gardens of Canal Court Apartments
William H. Hudnut to Paul A. Kuhn, October 7, 1982
John P. Willen to E. Mitchell Roob Jr., March 26, 1992
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith, April 14, 1992
John P. Willen to Caterina Cregor, April 13, 1992, Bob Swhier
John P. Willen to Caterina Cregor, April 13, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to James E. Scott, September 9, 1992
Gene Sadler to Brad Hurt, October 11, 1995
Total Project Cost Analysis
Walk Along Water Brochure