Downtown Development
2,520 items found
Bruce Hetrick to IDMI Action Team, May 31, 1994
Script For L.S. Ayers/ Designation News Conference
USA Group Headquarters To Move Downtown
Fact Sheet Use Of Ayres Building and Union Station Garage
Goldsmith Secures $100 Million in Private Investment for New Arena
RCA Dome' Boosts Downtown Redevelopment Program While Strengthening Marketing Opportunities for Leading Area Employer
Circle Centre Brochure
Fact Sheet On Circle Centre Mall And Downtown Projects
Boundary "TIF" Area
Downtown Vision, July 14, 1992
City of Indianapolis To Acquire Downtown L. S. Ayres Property
Circle Centre's New Look Unveild at Council Hearing, September 17, 1991
Julia Watson to Gail Brown
Gary Abell to Mayor Goldsmith, January 25, 1995
Circle Centre Mall Related Developments
David Asher Stirsman to Mr. E. Mitchell Roob, Jr., October 28, 1992
Briefing Materials, Downtown Indianapolis
Comprehensive Schematic Master Plan for the Indianapolis, Indiana Central (Downtown) Waterfront
Scope of Service Indianapolis Reconnaissance Study
Consultant Agreement: B. R. Hurt Realty