Downtown Development
2,520 items found
Westin Hotel to Boost Local Economy
Orr and Mayor Hudnut Announce Plan for Mill Acquisition
Mayor Hudnut Directs UDAG Loan Payback to Neighborhood Development
The Commission for Downtown, Inc. - 1990 Work Plan
Mayor Hudnut to Edward B. Colby, April 13, 1978
Joseph A. Slash to Mayor Hudnut, April 7, 1978
From Gordon K. Durnil
Mayor Hudnut to Donald R. McPherson, April 7, 1978
Sample Questions
Strategic Objective Report, The Indianapolis Project, Inc., January 24, 1991
Richard O. Morris Day
The Following is the Dissertation We Submitted for the ARTI Awards
Mayor Hudnut to John Wynne, March 20, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Stephen DeVoe, March 20, 1978
Abridged Remarks of Mayor Hudnut to the Venture Capital Conference_Notes
Borns' Union Station Bid Accepted
Photo Caption - Mayor Hudnut and Bob Borns
History of the Commission for Downtown
The Commission for Downtown: Plan of Work 1986 - Statements of Goals & Objectives
Mayor Hudnut to Vincent B. Alig, July 5, 1984