Downtown Development
2,520 items found
Anderson Music Center to Mr. William Brennan, Jr., July 3, 1967
Annual Report of the Capital Improvement Board for 1966
Civic Center Donors
Civic Center Donors_Jaycee List
Civic Center Donors_Pledges Received
Civic Center Donors, Inc.
Civic Center Fund Committee Lunch Meeting Notice
Civic Center Fund Group Formed
Draft: Joint Statement
Fact Sheet: Indiana Convention-Exposition Center
Indiana Civic Center Designed to Stimulate the Hoosier Economy
Indiana Convention-Exposition Center
Indianapolis, Indiana, Indiana Convention Exposition Center Interviews
John W. Walls to James A. Gloin, May 26, 1967
John W. Walls to Mr. Joseph Cripe, May 25, 1967
John W. Walls to Presidents and Executives of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce and others, March 28, 1967
John W. Walls, Civic Center Donors, Inc., May 15, 1967
Major Donor Groups
Michael B. Reddington to John J. Barton, August 2, 1967
The Job Is Cut Out