Downtown Development
2,520 items found
Schedule for Mayor William H. Hudnut, III, Wednesday, February 11, 1987
Boca Raton Note
Economic Development of Inner City Loop
Downtown Council of Minneapolis Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Downtown Council of Minneapolis Committees
History of the Downtown Council of Minneapolis
A Report to The Investors In Downtown Minneapolis
Downtown Cincinnati
January 6, 1976 Note
Fire Station #17 Dedication of Quadrant Bldg, February 7, 1985
Pan American Games Bond Issue, Rough Draft
Mayor Hudnut to Kyu Pyung Han, June 3, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Frank E. McKinney Jr., June 1, 1988
Marion County Spring Dinner/III Intro IRT Cabaret Performance_Three Cards
Summary Transition Recommendations
Program Inventory by Activity
Program Inventory by Corporation- Old
Program Inventory by Corporation- New
A Proposal to Realign The Activities of the Commission for Downtown Inc and the Indianapolis Growth Project Inc.
Income Detail