Downtown Development
2,520 items found
BC/BS Notes
Participants' Agenda
Agenda: Ground Breaking, 1
Mansur Development Corporation, 2
Quadrant Four: Corporate and Science Campus Fact Sheet
Farm Bureau Insurance Headquarters Fact Sheet
Media Advisory
Agenda: Ground Breaking. 2
Charles R. Cagann to Debbie Stawman, July 6, 1989; Cornelius M. Alig to Mayor Hudnut, August 8, 1989
State of City "A City with Momentum" 1982
State of the City: Part I - A City that Works
State of the City: Part II - A City with Spirit
Mayor Hudnut to Timothy Monger, January 4, 1988
Circle Centre to Strengthen Downtown, Neighborhoods
Photo Caption for Still on Crutches, Mayor Hudnut...
Indiana Avenue Associates
Market Opportunities and Review Critieria, Lower Canal Area-Blocks 4A, 4B and 4F
Summary of Findings and Conclusions from Downtown Housing Potential Indianapolis Indiana June 1985
Tom Henry to Mayor Hudnut, January 3, 1983