Downtown Indianapolis
207 items found
Mayor Hudnut at Circle City Classic Parade, October 3,1987, Img. 3
Mayor Hudnut at Circle City Classic Parade, October 3,1987, Img. 4, with Joe Slash and Dr. Frank Lloyd
Mayor Hudnut at Circle City Classic Parade, October 3,1987, Img. 5, with Joe Slash and Dr. Frank Lloyd
Mayor Hudnut at Circle City Classic Parade, October 3,1987, Img. 6, with Joe Slash
Military Marching Band at Circle City Classic, October 3,1987
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 1
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 10
#2 West Washington Interior View, 1983, Img. 12
#2 West Washington Interior View, 1983, Img. 14
#2 West Washington Interior View, 1983, Img. 15
#2 West Washington Interior View, 1983, Img. 2
#2 West Washington Interior View, 1983, Img. 3
#2 West Washington Interior View, 1983, Img. 7
#2 West Washington Interior View, 1983, Img. 8
Mayor Hudnut and Joey Travolta Tour, July 23, 1982, Img. 13
Mayor Hudnut and Joey Travolta Tour, July 23, 1982, Img. 15
Mayor Hudnut and Joey Travolta Tour, July 23, 1982, Img. 16
Mayor Hudnut and Joey Travolta Tour, July 23, 1982, Img. 19
Mayor Hudnut and Joey Travolta Tour, July 23, 1982, Img. 20
Mayor Hudnut and Joey Travolta Tour, July 23, 1982, Img. 7, with John L. Krauss