Downtown Indianapolis
207 items found
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 11
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 13
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 16
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 18
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 19
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 5
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 6
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 7
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 8
Mayor Hudnut and Joey Travolta Tour, July 23, 1982, Img. 1
Mayor Hudnut and Joey Travolta Tour, July 23, 1982, Img. 10, with John L. Krauss
Mayor Hudnut and Joey Travolta Tour, July 23, 1982, Img. 11
Aerial View of Indiana State Capitol Building, 1983
Aerial View of Indianapolis from the East, 1983, Img. 2
View of Christ Church Cathedral, 1983
View of Scottish Rite Cathedral, 1983
Downtown Aerial Photographs, June 28, 1984, Img. 1
Downtown Aerial Photographs, June 28, 1984, Img. 11
Downtown Aerial Photographs, June 28, 1984, Img. 16
Downtown Aerial Photographs, June 28, 1984, Img. 17