Drunk Driving
456 items found
ASAP Project Objectives & Countermeasure Objectives
ASAP, For Those Who Drink and Drive
ASAP, For Those Who Drink and Drive_Copy on Paper
ASAP, May 15, 1973
Biographical Summaries
C. Richard Kelly to ASAP Advisory Committee, October 19, 1973
D. William Cramer to Richard G. Lugar, September 12, 1973
David A. Garrett to Mayor Lugar, February 12, 1973_No Received Stamp
David A. Garrett to Richard G. Lugar, February 12, 1973
David B. Walker Resume
Dear Hostess Lady, Next Time I Come Over, Make Me Be Good
Edgar M. Cortright Jr. Resume
Education--A Preventative to Curbing the Drunk Driver
Edward F. Preston Resume
Enclosed Are Reprints, January 1973
Floyd Bird to Murrill M. Lowry, December 26, 1974
Frank C. Carlucci Resume
From Joseph J. Shary, January 2, 1974
Getting the Facts on Drinking and Driving
Good Summary of ASAP Results