Drunk Driving
456 items found
Mayor Hudnut's Public Appearance Schedule for Week of January 22, 1990
MADD: Mothers Against Drunk Driving, September 1986
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule for Week of December 27, 1982
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week
Don't Wreck the New Year - You're Home Free on Metro
Indianapolis Police Department General Order Number 6.00, December 31, 1986
Survey Results Reflect Adolescent Drinking And Driving Habits
News Releases, December 1982
"National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week"
Jan Bledsoe to Mayor Hudnut, November 18, 1988
"Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week"- Bedford
Robert P. Brown to John Voltz, August 9, 1990
Protect the Innocent from Drunk Drivers Week
IPD Bulletin No. 90-074 Wishard Hospital - Breathalyzer Machine
IPD Bulletin No. 90-077 Breath Test for Intoxication Screening Examination
Social Morality_With Notes