Indianapolis City-County Building
7,472 items found
Proclamations, Img. 10
School Kids with Mayor Lugar, Img. 1
School Kids with Mayor Lugar, Img. 4
Unidentified men with Lugar at mayor's office, Img. 1
Unidentified men with Lugar at mayor's office, Img. 3
Lugar with Bill Miller, Img. 1
Lugar with Bill Miller, Img. 2
Law Day, Img. 4
Law Day, Img. 5
Wish TV Day, Img. 2
Wish TV Day, Img. 4
Law Day, Img. 1
Law Day, Img. 2
Postcard Mailed to Voters in Support of Mayor Lugar and Other Republican Candidates, 1971
Proof Sheet, Mayor's Reception, 1972, Sheet 1
Proof Sheet, Mayor's Reception, 1972, Sheet 3
Proof Sheet, Mayor's Reception, 1972, Sheet 5
Regulations of City County Building
Mayor Lugar and L. Keith Bulen to All Republican County Chairmen and others, January 29, 1970
List of Indianapolis Firms Who Will Close Part of the Day Feb. 5 for President Nixon's Visit