Indianapolis City-County Building
7,472 items found
Becoming the Boss: DOA, August 3, 1988
Urban Homestead Drawing, October 26, 1988, Work Order
Oct. Staff Mtg., October 28, 1998, Work Order
Time Management Graduates List, April 28, 1988
Defensive Driving Graduates List, April 28, 1988
Ball Diamond Maintenence Graduates List, April 28, 1988
List of Names in Photograph, Council of Black Executives Meeting, February 18, 1988
Eugene Sadlier , DMD - 15 Years, January 8, 1988
Rep. Art Strong-Parks, January 8, 1988
DMD List of Service, January 8, 1988
DPW List of Service, January 8, 1988
Mayor's Recognition Day, April 23, 1991, Notes
City Retirees List, April 23, 1991
Presentation of 1990 B'Nai B'rith Isidore Feibleman Memorial Awards
90 Feibleman Awards Ceremony, August 21, 1990
Landscape Plan Details, CCB
John L. Krauss to Richard Blankenbaker and Others, December 8, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Thomas J. Young, October 3, 1986
Jana Wilson to Mayor Hudnut, October 11, 1983
Invitation to a Preview Showing of the Artwork of Doug Garrison