New Federalism
228 items found
International Observers, Washington Conference on Federalism
U.S. Conference of Mayors Cites Six Cites Six Cities for Excellence in Public Service Programs
Charles A. Byrley to Richard Nixon, December 13, 1972
The Federal Budget and the Cities, February 1971
Comparison of Major Features of Administration's Proposed Better Communities Act
Dartmouth Management Education Program, September 21, 1973
Dick Lugar: Hat in the Ring
Patrick Healy and John J. Gunther to John Ehrlichman, June 4, 1971
Patrick Healy to Board of Directors, National League of Cities, July 20, 1971
Richard G. Lugar to Patrick Healy, April 23, 1971
Richard G. Lugar to Patrick Healy, May 17, 1971
NLC Proposed Policy Changes Fact Sheet
Pritchard and Gunther to Municipal Officials, January 9, 1973
Alan Beals to NLC Board of Directors, July 6, 1982
Dave Durenberger to Ferd Harrison, February 9, 1982
From Dave Durenberger, February 4, 1982
National League of Cities
Statements By Governors and Other State and Local Officials Regarding The President's Federalism Initiative
The President's Federalism Initiative: Basic Framework
Thomas J. Henry to Mayor Hudnut, April 30, 1982