New Federalism
228 items found
Two Proposals for a New Federalism
National League of Cities
Statements By Governors and Other State and Local Officials Regarding The President's Federalism Initiative
News: United States Conference of Mayors, Closing
The President's Federalism Initiative: Basic Framework
Thomas J. Henry to Mayor Hudnut, April 30, 1982
Susan C. Smith to Mayor Hudnut, November 12, 1981
From E.M. Burke, January 21, 1982
From Dave Durenberger, February 12, 1982
From Dave Durenberger, February 4, 1982_ With Signature
Basic Principles for a New Federalism_Different Version
Two Proposals for a New Federalism_Different Version
From Ferd L. Harrison, October 22, 1982
Remarks By Senator Dave Durenberger to the National League of Cities, December 2, 1981
Reform of the Federal System
Program of the 87th National Conference on Government
Resolutions 1983 Adopted at the Annual Congress of Cities
1982 Indiana Platform Committee
National League of Cities Priorities for 1982
NLC Congressional-City Conference Info and Registration Form