New Federalism
228 items found
National War Labor Board
Notes to Eldon Campbell et al
Notes to Loren Robbins et al
Richard G. Lugar and Henry W. Maier to Spiro T. Agnew, October 1, 1971
Summary of Remarks of the National League of Cities to Cost-of-Living Council, September 16, 1971
Summary of Remarks of the National League of Cities, September 16, 1971
United States Conference of Mayors Statement to Ways and Means Committee, September 17, 1971
Allen E. Pritchard and John J. Gunther to Spiro T. Agnew, November 24, 1972
The New Federalism: A Conference
Draft Report of the Resolutions Committes
Editorial by Allen E. Pritchard
For Morning Release, November 18, 1972
Inpoundment of Funds
National League of Cities and the National Association of Counties Resolutions, February 19, 1971
One Year Ago at the 47th Congress of Cities in Atlanta
Opening Address to the 48th Annual Congress of Cities, November 29, 1971
Memorandum from Patrick Healy and John J. Gunther, December 23, 1971
AIP Newsletter, Volume 8, Number 7
Legislative Summary on Social Services Programs, January 1973
Testimony Prepared For The Senate Subcommittee On Intergovernmental Relations