1,009 items found
Charles Huppert to John Sweezy, February 13, 1985
Jon Meeks to Mayor Hudnut, February 12, 1985
Section 2.04 D-3 Dwelling District Three Regulations
Mayor Hudnut to Charles Blair, January 25, 1985
Mayor's Tour of Permit Issuance and Permit Records
City County Council Hearing on Parimutual Race Track
Mayor Hudnut to George Lewis, February 13, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gallup, February 13, 1985
Paul and Marion Barrick to Mayor Hudnut, February 3, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Lee Churchill, February 13, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Mrs. J. Richard Shumar, February 13, 1985
Charles Huppert to Mayor Hudnut, February 1, 1985
Charles Huppert to Mayor Hudnut, February 1, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Mamie L. Townsend, January 25, 1982
Certificate of Appointment, Steven Brizendine
Mayor Hudnut to Robert M. Hayes, January 10, 1980
Certificate of Appointment, Robert M. Hayes, 1980
Certificate of Appointment, Theresa A. Shuffitt, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Richard C. Stanfield, January 10, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Mamie L. Townsend, January 10, 1983