1,009 items found
Keystone-Kessler Neighborhood Plan: Rezonings 1970-1977
Neighborhood Profile: Terra Vista Neighborhood Association, July 1984
Huni (Historic Urban Neighborhood Inc.)
Mission Statement
To Mayor Hudnut, April 23, 1990 (Highlighted)
Neighborhood Profile: Woodruff Place Civic League, Inc.
Perry Township Comprehensive Planning Study: Data Inventory
The Housing Component
From Marvin E. Vollmer, October 10, 1990
Civil Zoning Violation Citation
Kathryn H. Snedeker to John Meeks, June 21, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to Beulah Coughenor & John Ryan, March 3, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Ted Engle, August 12, 1986
Neighborhood Profile: Nora Community Council, July 8, 1976
Mitch Sever to Jon Meeks, June 14, 1989
Nora Community Council, Inc.
Pike Township Residence Association Annual Meeting
38th & Shadeland Planning Committee
38th & Shadeland Improvement Association - 1984 Mission Statement -
Steve Johnes to Kathryn H. Snedeker, August 11, 1990