1,009 items found
Certificate of Appointment, John C. Fuller, 1982
Certificate of Appointment, Michael D. McGinley, 1983
Certificate of Appointment, Fred J. Imahausen, 1981
Certificate of Appointment, Clarence Printice, 1980
Certificate of Appointment, Clarence Prentice, 1977
Certificate of Appointment, Clarence Prentice, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Clarence Prentice, February 14, 1979
Certificate of Appointment, Clarence Prentice, 1979
Certificate of Appointment, Clarence Prentice, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Joan Gibbs, January 10, 1986
Board & Commission Appointments, Joan Gibbs, 1986
Certificate of Appointment, Joan Gibbs
Mayor Hudnut to Michael D. McGinley, January 10, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Reverend David Morrow, January 30, 1985
David Carley to Mayor Hudnut, February 6, 1985
Jon Meeks to Deputy Mayor John Krauss, January 22, 1985
From Philip C. Borst, January 28, 1987
Marion County Zoning Appeals - Beech Grove_ Floyd Bogan
Board of Zoning Appeals Beech Grove
Marion County Board of Zoning Appeals - Beech Grove_ Chart