1,009 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Judy Newton, January 10, 1986
Board & Commission Appointments, Judy Newton, 1986
Certificate of Appointment, Judy Newton, 1986
Donald W. Miller to Steve H. Brizendine, January 30, 1986
Certificate of Appointment, Steven Brizendine, 1986
Donald W. Miller to Bill Locey, January 30, 1986
Certificate of Appointment, Bill Locey, 1986
Robert Samuelson to W. James Wood, March 20, 1986
Certificate of Appointment, W. James Woods, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Judy Newton, December 24, 1986
Board & Commission Appointments, Judy Newton, 1986
Response Note
Andy Jacobs Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, January 23, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to Floyd Chafee, January 24, 1982
Certificate of Appointment, Henrietta Chafee, 1982
Certificate of Appointment, John C. Fuller, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Michael D. McGinley, March 30, 1982
Certificate of Appointment, Michael D. McGinley, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Michael D. McGinley, January 10, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Douglas R. Horth, January 13, 1983