1,009 items found
Board & Commission Appointments, Judy Newton, 1988
Certificate of Appointment, Judy Newton, 1988
Certificate for Judy Newton, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Kim Webb, January 15,1988
Board & Commission Appointments, Kim Webb, 1988
Certificate of Appointment, Kim Webb, 1988
Certificate for Kim Webb, 1988
Stephen R. West to Jane Klepek, April 11, 1988
City-County Council Resolution No. 28, 1988 Proposal No. 125, 1988
Stephen R. West to Bill Locey, April 11, 1988
City-County Council Resolution No. 27, 1988 Proposal No. 124, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Kim Webb, January 3, 1989
Certificate of Appointment, Kim Webb, 1989
Certificate for Kim Webb, 1989
Board & Commission Appointments, Kim Webb, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Judy Newton, January 3, 1989
Certificate of Appointment, Judy Newton, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Timothy Oaks, January 4, 1991
Certificate of Appointment, Timothy Oaks, 1991
Certificate for Timothy Oaks, 1991